Learning Curves Tab

The Learning Curves tab allows you to define the improvements on power consumption over the project lifecycle as a function of cumulative production. A separate learning curve is entered for each type of consumer:

  • Heat: Affects the power consumption of all Heater node, determined by the Max Injection Rate entered in the Well Performance tab and modified by the Heating Efficiency entered in the Heating Details tab.
  • Rigs: Affects the Power requirements defined in the Rig Node(only visible when working with thermal oil and gas projects).
  • Refineries: Affects the electricity consumption defined in the General tab of a Refinery.
  • Containment: Affects the power consumption of all Freeze Well , determined by the Freezing and Heat Extraction Rate and modified by the Performance coefficient, all entered in the Freeze Well Details tab.

In each pane, power learning curves define a logarithmic reduction in consumption by two parameters:

  • Experience Base: The project's cumulative oil production defining the start of the learning.
  • Learning Rate: The factor defining the slope of the curve.

The logarithmic learning curve is calculated using the formula c0∙λlog2(V/V0) where C0 is the initial power consumption, λ is the learning rate, V0 is the experience base and V is the current cumulative oil production.

Power vs. drilling learning curves

Power vs. drilling learning curves (1)Power vs. drilling learning curves (2)